Questions & Answers

The Carnival season always begins on Jan. 6, which is King’s Day (Feast of the Epiphany). Mardi Gras day (Fat Tuesday), however, is on a different day each year. Fat Tuesday changes every year because Easter Sunday is never on the same Sunday each year. Fat Tuesday is always the day before Ash Wednesday.
It's free! Not only that, but you'll leave with bags of Mardi Gras beads and throws. That's why we call it the "Greatest Free Show on Earth!"
The parades roll in light rain. The officials will only postpone if the weather is predicted to be severe. The local TV and radio news stations (such as WWL Radio) broadcast the hour by hour updates.
Kids make Mardi Gras and have the most fun of all -- maybe. Our recommendation for families is to hit the more family-friendly (and local) Uptown parade route along St. Charles Avenue.
While some people decide to costume all the time, you’ll always be fine in jeans, a T-shirt, and close-toed shoes. Mardi Gras colors (purple, green and gold) are encouraged.
The fastest way to get around during Mardi Gras is on foot. The streetcars run during Mardi Gras season but those along parade routes have limited hours and routes.
There are a ton of restaurants located along (or near) the parade routes. There are also a number of food stands that pop up during the season, including food trucks.
The date of Mardi Gras changes every year because it's connected to Easter, which can fall on any Sunday between March 23 and April 25. Mardi Gras day always takes place 47 days before Easter.
Not unless you are going to be a rider on a float. If you plan to watch the parades during Mardi Gras, you'll catch so much you won't be able to carry it all!.

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